Learning with Iteration

Iteration requires not only reflection but the appreciation of others’ works, opinions, or critiques and the initiative. When I do design work, I try to include others at an early stage, like asking people if my recent work, or even an idea, is interesting. What’s their first impression? By doing so, it also requires me to ask questions to others and myself, to keep doing things in a quick and dirty way, and to tell stories as if it is a prototype.

The notion of iteration can be applied to finding a career path. I just came across an article by Wait But Why talking about the mindset and approach to find our ideal career. The concept is surely simple and echoes my points in learning with reflection and iteration — getting our goals, making a prototype(s) of our vision, revising it/them with people’s feedback, again and again. So to speak, finding a career path is like building design, and they are all about journey but not result, though we all know the quality of result matters.

Diagram by Tim Urban on “How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You)”, Wait But Why


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